3 | Our mutual customer requests credit for tickets/vouchers that were ordered, but not received. Please issue credit or provide signed proof of delivery, indicating delivery address, and explain why credit is not due. |
4 | Our mutual customer requests shipment of the tickets/vouchers that were ordered, but have not been received. Please ship these items or provide signed proof of delivery, with delivery address. |
7 | Our mutual customer claims this billing was to be billed ininstallments. Please issue credit and rebill in the agreed uponinstallments or provide a copy of your billing policy and explain why credit is not due. |
9 | Our mutual customer received merchandise from your establishment and requests return instructions or a pick up date. Please provide a copy of your return policy if the merchandise cannot be returned. |
10 | Our mutual customer has received partial credit for this billing, but claims full credit is due. Please issue the remaining credit or provide supporting documentation and an explanation why additional credit is not due. |
11 | Our mutual customer claims the cancellation was made within the allowable cancellation period. The customer has received partial credit and requests the penalty be waived. Please issue the remaining credit or provide a copy of your cancellation policy. |
12 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a charge billed twice in error. Please provide signed support and itemization for the magnetic tape charge if credit is not issued. |
15 | Our mutual customer requests credit for the exchange fee billed. Please issue credit or provide a copy of your ticket/voucher exchange policy and explain why credit is not due. |
16 | Our mutual customer requests credit for damaged merchandise received. Please issue credit and provide return instructions, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why credit is not due. |
18 | Our mutual customer requests credit for an overcharge. Please provide support and detailed itemization for the full amount of the charge if credit is not issued. |
20 | Our mutual customer claims to have canceled this service. If correct, please issue credit for that month billing and all subsequent months. In addition, depending on the outcome, charges already submitted but not yet billed may be returned to you. More importantly, all future billings on the American Express card must be discontinued, any future charges will be immediately returned should the customer dispute it. |
21 | Our mutual customer claims the service was canceled. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the cancellation policy. Please discontinue future billings. |
22 | Our mutual customer claims that this membership wascanceled. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed membership contract indicating the cancellation policy. Please discontinue all future billings. |
24 | Our mutual customer claims the merchandise received is damaged and requests return authorization. If a return is not permitted, please provide a copy of your return or refund policy. |
27 | Our mutual customer claims this order was canceled. Please provide a copy of your cancellation policy, along with proof of delivery if credit is not issued. |
28 | Our mutual customer claims that this membership wascanceled in writing. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed membership contract indicating the cancellation policy. Please discontinue all future billings. |
29 | Our mutual customer claims this membership has expired. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed membership contract indicating the expiration date and the renewal policy. Please discontinue all future billings. |
30 | Our mutual customer requests credit for defective merchandise received. Please issue credit and provide return instructions, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why credit is not due. |
31 | Our mutual customer claims this charge was for a deposit on a vehicle that was not purchased. Please provide a copy of the signed purchase agreement indicating the cancellation policy if credit is not issued. |
33 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of the charge(s). Please provide support and itemization, along with a copy of the order(s) if credit is not issued. |
40 | Our mutual customer claims their service/membership has been canceled. If credit is not issued, provide an explanation, proof of usage (Internet & telecom only) and/or a copy of the cancellation policy/contract indicating the billing method cannot be changed. Please discontinue all future billings. |
41 | Our mutual customer has been unsuccessful in attempts to contact your establishment for cancellation of this service/membership. Please discontinue all future billings and contact the CM directly for alternate payment arrangements or provide a copy of a contract showing the payment method cannot be changed, and proof of usage (Internet & telecom providers only). |
42 | Our mutual customer claims to have made alternate billing arrangements and requests credit. Please discontinue all future billings to this account or provide a copy of the contract showing the billing method cannot be changed. If credit is not issued, please provide an explanation. |
43 | Our mutual customer requests to cancel the service. Please contact our CM directly and/or cancel the service. If this cannot be done provide a copy of the contract. |
44 | Our mutual customer requests cancellation instructions/authorization. Please provide the requested information. Contact our CM directly for alternate payment arrangements if cancellation is not permitted. |
45 | Our mutual customer requests replacement of damaged merchandise received. Please provide return instructions and send a replacement, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why a replacement cannot be sent. |
48 | Our mutual customer requests replacement of defective merchandise received. Please provide return instructions and send a replacement, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why a replacement cannot be sent. |
49 | Our mutual customer claims this charge was for a deposit on a vehicle that was not leased. Please provide a copy of the signed purchase contract or agreement indicating the cancellation policy if credit is not issued. |
59 | Our mutual customer requests repair of damaged merchandise received. Please provide return instructions and make the appropriate repairs, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why the merchandise cannot be repaired. |
60 | Our mutual customer requests repair of defective merchandise received. Please provide return instructions and make the appropriate repairs, or provide a copy of your return policy and explain why the merchandise cannot be repaired. |
61 | Our mutual customer claims the referenced credit should have been submitted as a charge. Please bill the customer as requested or provide an explanation for the credit issuance. |
62 | Our mutual customer claims the referenced charge should have been submitted as a credit. Please issue full credit or provide support and itemization for this billing and the original charge. |
63 | Our mutual customer claims to be dissatisfied with the goods and/or services provided by your establishment. Please issue full credit or provide a detailed explanation why partial or no credit is due. |
70 | Our mutual customer claims to be dissatisfied with repair work performed on their vehicle. Please issue credit or provide a detailed explanation, with supporting documentation, why credit is not due. |
71 | Our mutual customer requests credit for damages incurred to personal property. Please issue credit or provide the status of the customers claim for moving charge. |
72 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of this billing. The charge bears the signature of another person. Please issue full credit or provide signed proof of authorization for this charge by this customer. |
73 | Our mutual customer claims they did not guarantee this reservation. The reservation was to be canceled automatically if they did not arrive. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
76 | Our mutual customer claims to have canceled this service. Please provide a copy of the contract/agreement indicating the cancellation policy and discontinue all future billings. |
77 | Our mutual customer wishes to return the merchandise. Please provide return instructions. |
78 | Our records indicate that a charge from your establishment was submitted on an invalid plastic number. Please provide a valid account number along with the cardmember’s name and support to avoid a chargeback to your account. |
79 | Our records indicate that a credit from your establishment was submitted on an invalid plastic number. Please provide a valid account number along with the cardmember’s name and support to avoid a credit back to your account. |
80 | Our mutual customer claims to have canceled this timeshare program. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed contract, with your cancellation policy, and explain why credit is not due. |
82 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of this credit. Please provide an explanation why this credit has been issued to this customer's account. |
83 | We have been advised that the referenced customer is deceased. Please provide signed support and itemization or support and itemization for this billing. |
86 | Please discontinue all future billings to this inactive account and make alternate billing arrangements with this customer. |
87 | Please issue credit and discontinue all future billings to this inactive account. Please contact the customer directly to make alternate billing arrangements. |
89 | Our mutual customer claims to have made alternate billing arrangements. Please issue credit and discontinue future billings to this account, or provide a copy of the signed membership contract and explain why credit is not due. |
90 | Our mutual customer claims this membership/service has been paid in full. Please issue credit and discontinue all future billings to this account, or provide a copy of the signed contract/agreement, payment history, and explain why credit is not due. |
91 | Our mutual customer claims the cancellation was made within the allowable cancellation period. If credit is not issued, please provide support of your cancellation policy. |
93 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of the charge(s). Please provide signed support and itemization of the charge(s) in dispute. In addition, please provide a copy of the signed trip sheet if credit is not issued. |
94 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of the charge(s). Please provide support and itemization for the charge(s) in dispute. In addition, please provide a copy of the signed trip sheet if credit is not issued. |
95 | Our mutual customer claims to have canceled this service. Please provide signed proof that services were rendered or a copy of the signed cancellation policy if credit is not issued. |
97 | Our mutual customer requests credit for the unauthorizedcharge(s). Please provide signed support and itemization of the charge(s) or support and itemization. |
99 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a class or coursecanceled. Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the signed registration and cancellation/refund policy. |
107 | Our mutual customer claims that the facility they attend is no longer open for business. Please issue credit and discontinue all future billings to this account, or provide a copy of the signed contract/agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
110 | Our mutual customer claims the call(s) associated with this billing was connected to the wrong number. |
117 | Our mutual customer claims the call(s) associated with this billing was cut off. |
119 | Our mutual customer has no knowledge of the CARDeposit billing. Please issue credit or provide proof of confirmation and explain why credit is not due. |
120 | Our mutual customer requests credit for an overcharge incurred on a car/truck rental. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
121 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a vehicle that did not perform properly during the rental. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
122 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge of the car/truck rental charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the signed rental agreement(s) and explain why credit is not due. |
123 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge of the car/truck rental charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the itemized rental agreement(s) and explain why credit is not due. |
124 | Our mutual customer requests support for the charge(s). Please provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreement(s) or issue credit if this documentation is not available. |
125 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge of the car/truck rental charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreements and explain why credit is not due. |
127 | Our mutual customer does not recognize the charge(s). Please provide signed support and itemization. If your records indicate the merchandise has been shipped, please include signed proof of delivery and the delivery address. If this documentation is not available, please issue credit. |
128 | Our mutual customer claims not to have authorized the charge(s) to be billed through American Express. Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemizedrental agreement(s) and explain why credit is not due. |
129 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge the charge(s). Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed,itemized trip sheet, if available. |
130 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a deposit that was not deducted from the rental billing. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
131 | Our mutual customer claims the charge(s) was to be billed directly to their insurance company. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
132 | Our mutual customer claims they were billed twice, one billing from your location and another from an alternate location. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemizedrental agreement for each location and explain why credit is not due. |
133 | Our mutual customer claims they were billed twice for the same purchase. Please issue credit or provide support anditemization for each charge, along with copies of the customer order(s). |
134 | Our mutual customer claims a portion of this charge was a deposit. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the itemizedrental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
136 | Our mutual customer claims this charge was for a deposit. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
141 | Our mutual customer claims this charge was a deposit on a vehicle returned. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed purchase agreement, indicating your return policy, and explain why credit is not due. |
143 | Our mutual customer claims the flowers ordered were not received. Please issue credit or provide proof of delivery, indicating the delivery address, and a copy of the customer's order. |
146 | Our mutual customer claims the disputed merchandise was returned and a second charge was submitted instead of a credit. Please issue credit for each charge, or provide support and itemization for each charge, and explain why credit is not due. |
147 | Our mutual customer claims this billing has been paid by their insurance company. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
150 | Our mutual customer received and returned damaged merchandise from your establishment and has requested credit. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
151 | Our mutual customer received and returned damaged merchandise from your establishment and has requested a replacement. Please send us signed proof of delivery of the replacement order or issue credit. |
152 | Our mutual customer received and returned incorrect merchandise from your establishment and has requested credit. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
153 | Our mutual customer received and returned incorrect merchandise from your establishment and has requested a replacement. Please send us signed proof of delivery of the replacement order or issue credit. |
154 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a canceled order. Please issue credit or provide proof of delivery, delivery address, or proof that the customer was made aware of your cancellation policy, and an explanation why credit is not due. |
155 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for merchandise that was not received from your establishment. Please issue credit or send us signed proof of delivery. |
156 | Our mutual customer ordered merchandise from your establishment but has not received it. Please issue credit and rebill the mutual customer after you deliver the merchandise, or send us signed proof that it has already been delivered. |
157 | Our mutual customer returned merchandise from your establishment but has not received a replacement. Please send us signed proof of delivery of the replacement order or issue credit. |
158 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for merchandise that was returned to your establishment. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
159 | Our mutual customer requests signed support and itemizationfor the referenced charge(s). Please provide the requested documentation and an explanation why credit is not due, or issue full credit. |
160 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for tickets/vouchers that were not ordered. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
161 | Our mutual customer requests credit for tickets/vouchers that have been returned. Please issue credit or provide proof of usage, and explain why credit is not due. |
162 | Our mutual customer requests credit for returned tickets/vouchers. Please issue full credit or provide supporting documentation and an explanation why partial, or no credit is due. |
163 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for tickets/vouchers that were not received from your establishment. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
164 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for the unused tickets/vouchers that were lost/stolen. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
165 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for the tickets/vouchers that were lost/stolen. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
166 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for a payment that was made directly to your establishment. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
167 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for a reservation that your establishment confirmed for an incorrect date. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
168 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for a reservation that your establishment confirmed for an incorrect location. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
169 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for an incorrect conversion rate that your establishment used. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
170 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a canceledreservation. Please issue full credit or provide a copy of your cancellation policy and explain why credit is not due. |
171 | Our mutual customer requests credit for an Assured Reservation that was not honored. The customer claims when they contacted, or arrived at the hotel there was no record of the reservation. Please issue credit or provide proof of reservation and explain why credit is not due. |
173 | Our mutual customer requests credit from your established for a duplicate billing. If your records show this is correct, please issue full credit. If you believe the mutual customer is not due full credit, send us signed support and itemization of both charges and explain fully in the space below. |
174 | Our mutual customer requests signed support and itemizationfor a charge submitted by your establishment. Please provide a copy of the requested documentation. |
175 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for a charge from your establishment. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
176 | Our mutual customer does not recognize the referenced charge(s). Please issue credit or provide signed support anditemization and explain why credit is not due. |
177 | Our mutual customer claims this charge was unauthorized. Please issue full credit or provide signed authorization for this billing and explain fully in the space below. |
178 | Our mutual customer has notified us that no merchandise was ordered or delivered from your establishment. Please issue credit or send us signed support for both the order and delivery, with the delivery address indicated. |
179 | Our mutual customer does not recognize this charge for a reservation. Please issue credit or provide a proof of reservation. |
180 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge of the referenced charge(s) for a stay at your establishment. Please issue full credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized folio and explain why credit is not due. |
181 | Our mutual customer claims to have no knowledge of the referenced No Show charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide the following documentation: reservation log with the absence of a cancellation number and a letter that informed the customer of your guaranteed reservation policy. |
182 | Our mutual customer has questioned the charges for damages from your establishment. Please issue credit or send us the acknowledgment of responsibility, signed by the mutual customer, as well as an itemization of the charges. |
183 | Our mutual customer does not recognize this charge from your establishment and requests signed support. If you cannot provide documentation, please issue credit. |
184 | We have identified these charges as cash advances, which cannot be billed through American Express. If they are not cash advances, please send us signed itemized support. |
185 | Our mutual customer claims they purchased, but later refused delivery of, the item(s) associated with this billing. Please issue credit or provide signed proof of delivery, with the delivery address, and an explanation why credit is not due. |
186 | Our mutual customer requests credit from your establishment for incorrect merchandise (s)he received from you. Please issue full credit and supply return instructions. |
187 | Our mutual customer requests a replacement for incorrect merchandise (s)he received from you. Please provide CM with return instructions and the replacement or send us signed proof of delivery for replacement with the address. |
188 | Our mutual customer requests credit for the enclosed charge of which (s)he has no knowledge. The charge bears an invalid or incorrect account number. Please issue a full credit or provide a copy of the charge with the CM's account number. |
189 | Our mutual customer requests credit from your establishment since (s)he has not received any issues of a subscription ordered from you and would like to cancel it. Please issue full credit or send supporting documentation. |
190 | Our mutual customer has not received any issues of a subscription ordered from your establishment and requests that you begin delivery. If no delivery took place, please issue full credit. |
191 | Our mutual customer requests credit for merchandise that (s)he did not order or receive from you. Please issue credit or send shipping and/or PO supporting documentation. |
192 | Our mutual customer requests support and itemization of a charge from your establishment. Please issue a full credit or provide this requested documentation. |
193 | Fraud. Our cardmember has contacted us claiming the charge(s) incurred at your establishment are fraudulent. Please support the charge(s) with the following documentation from your records, cardholder signature, credit card imprint, signed proof of delivery to our cardholder's billing address, contracts, folio, rental agreements, etc. and any other pertinent information, i.e., phone numbers, license numbers, description of person, etc. that could assist in our investigation. |
194 | Our cardmember has contacted us claiming the charge(s) incurred at your establishment is fraudulent. We show that the full magnetic stripe data was not received by American Express. Please support the charge(s) with the following documentation from your records; cardmember signature and credit card imprint. If the transaction(s) was mail order, phone order or Internet, please provide signed proof of delivery to our cardmember's billing address. |
195 | Our mutual customer does not recognize this charge from your establishment and requests itemization. If you cannot provide documentation, please issue credit. |
196 | Our mutual customer does not recognize this charge from your establishment. Please issue a credit or provide supporting documentation (shipping date, shipping address, or signed support). |
197 | Our mutual customer requests credit from your establishment for a subscription (s)he has canceled and continues to be billed. Please issue full credit or provide supporting documentation explaining partial credit. |
198 | Our mutual customer requests credit from your establishment for a subscription (s)he never ordered. Please issue a full credit or provide supporting documentation. |
199 | Our mutual customer has been charged for both a stay and no-show and requests a credit for the no-show charge. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation. |
200 | As detailed in the attached Claim Report, we are requesting signed support and itemization for charge(s) from your establishment. Please send us full documentation or issue full credit. If you believe full credit is not due, please explain fully. |
608 | Our mutual customer is not disputing the charge(s), but is requesting signed support. Please provide the requested documentation. |
610 | Our mutual customer claims the charge(s) was to be billed to a third party. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation and an explanation why credit is not due. |
620 | Our mutual customer claims to have been underbilled for the referenced amount. Please support this billing amount. |
656 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of the referenced Assured Reservations/No Show charge(s). Please issue credit or provide a copy of the proof of reservation(s), and explain why credit is not due. |
657 | Our mutual customer requests credit for an overcharge. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed registration, folio itemization, and explain why credit is not due. |
658 | Our mutual customer claims they have received multiple billings in error. Please issue credit or provide signed support and itemization for each charge, and explain why credit is not due. |
671 | Our mutual customer claims this billing was to be a complimentary stay. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the itemized support, and explain why credit is not due. |
672 | Our mutual customer does not recognize the delayed charge(s) on this billing. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the signed, itemized support for this entire billing, and explain why credit is not due. |
673 | Our mutual customer claims to have been billed for an Assured Reservation charge and an actual stay. Please issue credit for the Assured Reservation billing or provide proof of reservation (Assured Reservation charge), itemized folio (stay charge), and explain why credit is not due. |
674 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of a charge that bears an invalid or incorrect account number. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation with the customer's account number, and explain why credit is not due. |
675 | Our mutual customer claims the CARDeposit billing was to be applied to the stay. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the itemized folio with the CARDeposit credit entry. |
676 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a canceledCARDeposit reservation. Please issue credit or provide proof of confirmation, a copy of your cancellation policy, and explain why credit is not due. |
678 | Our mutual customer has made a second request for credit on this billing. Our previous correspondence is not available. Please issue credit or provide any additional documentation, and/or explanation why credit is not due. |
679 | Our mutual customer claims to have been billed twice for CARDeposit. Please issue credit or provide proof of confirmation for each charge, and explain why credit is not due. |
680 | Overcharge. Our mutual customer requests credit for an overcharge. Please issue credit or provide signed support and itemization for the entire charge, and explain why credit is not due. |
681 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a guaranteed reservation that was canceled within your policy guidelines. Please issue credit or provide the following documentation if the cancellation did meet your policy guidelines: reservation log with the absence of a cancellation number and a letter that informed the customer of your guaranteed reservation policy. |
682 | Our mutual customer requests cancellation of this membership. Please issue credit and discontinue all future billing to the customer's account, or explain why credit is not due. |
683 | Our mutual customer claims that this charge belongs to another person due to their American Express cards being switched. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the charge that bears this customer's signature. |
684 | Paid Direct. Our mutual customer claims this charge was paid in cash. A copy of the cash receipt is not available. Please issue credit or provide signed, itemized support and explain why credit is not due. |
685 | Our mutual customer has requested a copy of the signed receipt for this billing. Please provide the requested documentation. |
687 | Our mutual customer claims they do not recognize the charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide proof of reservation and signed, itemized support for the billing. |
688 | Our mutual customer claims the charge(s) was to be paid by their company. Please issue credit and rebill the correct party. If credit is not due, please provide signed, itemized support. |
689 | Our mutual customer requests credit for a reservation made for, and paid directly by a third party. Please issue full credit or provide proof of reservation and explain why credit is not due. |
690 | Our mutual customer is not disputing the charge(s), but is requesting support and itemization. Please provide the requested documentation. |
691 | Signed Support and/or Itemization. Our mutual customer is not disputing the charge(s), but is requesting signed support and itemization. Please provide the requested documentation. |
692 | Our mutual customer claims they should have been billed for only one night. Please issue credit or provide signed support and itemization and explain why credit is not due. |
693 | Our mutual customer has questioned the charge for damages. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the following documentation: itemized rental agreement, itemized repair bill, and acknowledgment of responsibility signed by the cardmember. |
694 | Our mutual customer requests credit for dissatisfactory accommodations. Please issue credit or provide an explanation why credit is not due. |
695 | Our mutual customer requests credit for this billing as payment was made directly to your establishment. Please issue full credit or provide signed, itemized rental agreement and explain why credit is not due. |
696 | Our mutual customer has requested credit for a car rental reservation that was canceled with your establishment. Please issue full credit or send a copy of the rental agreement. |
697 | Our mutual customer claims they were billed twice for the same rental. Please issue credit or provide signed, itemized rental agreement for each charge, and explain why credit is not due. |
698 | Our mutual customer requests support for this charge. Please send a copy of the itemized rental agreement. If this is not available issue full credit. |
699 | Our mutual customer claims they should have been billed for only one night. Please issue credit or provide support and itemization and explain why credit is not due. |
700 | Our mutual customer claims this service was canceled. Please issue credit for the charge(s) or provide detailed support and itemization and discontinue all future billings to this account. |
701 | Our mutual customer requests cancellation of this service. Please discontinue all future billings to this account. |
702 | Our mutual customer claims to have received duplicate credits to their account. Please provide support for each credit. |
703 | Our mutual customer claims this repair and/or replacement was to be covered under warranty. Please issue credit or provide a copy of the warranty and explain why credit is not due. |
704 | Our mutual customer requests credit for tickets that were not used as a result of the event being canceled. Please issue credit or explain why credit is not due. |
705 | Our mutual customer requests credit for tickets that they canceled. Please issue credit or provide a copy of your cancellation policy and explain why credit is not due. |
706 | Our mutual customer claims they refused delivery of the item(s) associated with this billing. Please issue credit or provide supporting documentation and an explanation why credit is not due. |
707 | Our mutual customer claims the call(s) associated with this billing had poor transmission quality. |
708 | Our mutual customer claims the call(s) associated with this billing was not completed/connected. |
712 | Our mutual customer claims to have been billed for services not rendered. This practice is not permitted under your agreement with American Express. Please arrange other means of payment with cardmember directly. |
713 | Our mutual customer has been billed twice and claims to have incurred only one of the charges. Please issue credit or provide signed support, if available, and itemization for each charge. |
722 | Our mutual customer claims they do not recognize the charge(s). Please issue full credit or provide signed, itemized support indicating the cardmember as the guest who stayed. If the guest was a person other than the cardmember, please provide proof. |
723 | Our mutual customer requests credit for this billing as payment was made directly to your establishment. Please issue full credit or provide signed, itemized support and explain why credit is not due. |
730 | Please issue credit for the charge(s) or provide detailed support and itemization and discontinue all future billings to this account. |
792 | Our mutual customer claims no knowledge of this charge. Please issue credit or provide signed support, itemization and proof of enrollment. Please discontinue all future billings to this account. |
800 | Our mutual customer no longer disputes the charge(s). Please discontinue further investigation. |
R040 | Our mutual customer claims their service/membership has been canceled. If credit is not issued, provide an explanation, proof of usage (Internet & telecom only) and/or a copy of the cancellation policy/contract indicating the billing method cannot be changed. Please discontinue all future billings. |
R041 | Our mutual customer has been unsuccessful in attempts to contact your establishment for cancellation of this service/membership. Please discontinue all future billings and contact the CM directly for alternate payment arrangements or provide a copy of a contract showing the payment method cannot be changed, & proof of usage (Internet & telecom providers only). |
R042 | Our mutual customer claims to have made alternate billing arrangements and requests credit. Please discontinue all future billings to this account or provide a copy of the contract showing the billing method cannot be changed. If credit is not issued, please provide an explanation. |
R043 | Our mutual customer requests to cancel the service. Please contact our CM directly and/or cancel the service. If this cannot be done provide a copy of the contract. |
R044 | Our mutual customer requests cancellation instructions/authorization. Please provide the requested information. Contact our CM directly for alternate payment arrangements if cancellation is not permitted. |
RM05 | Cardholder does not agree to amount billed. |
RM21 | Cardholder does not recognize. |
RM23 | Cardholder requests copy. |
RM41 | Required for legal/fraud analysis. |
RM42 | Required for chargeback. |
S06 | The system of online services to institutions (SLE) has made the automatic closure of this inquiry. This does not mean that the latter has been settled. At the expiration of 75 days after the date of reply, SLE could not confirm the resolution of the case. For more information, please contact us. |
V28 | Cardholder requests copy with signature. |
V29 | Charge detail or rental agreement request. |
V30 | Cardholder requests copy. |
V31 | Required for chargeback. |
V32 | Original lost in transit. |
V33 | Required for legal/fraud analysis. |
V34 | Repeat request for copy. |
V35 | Written cardholder demand. |
V36 | Legal process specifies original. |
V37 | Previous copy illegible. |
V38 | Required for paper/handwriting analysis. |
V39 | Repeat request for original. |
V40 | Required for arbitration. |
V78 | Cardholder requests copy with signature. |
V79 | Charge detail or rental agreement request. |
V80 | Cardholder requests copy. |
V81 | Required for chargeback. |
V82 | Original lost in transit. |
V83 | Required for legal/fraud analysis. |
V84 | Repeat request for copy. |
V85 | Written cardholder demand. |
V86 | Legal process specifies original. |
V87 | Previous copy illegible. |
V88 | Required for paper/handwriting analysis. |
V89 | Repeat request for original. |
6305 | Cardholder does not agree with billed amount. |
6321 | Cardholder does not recognize transaction. |
6322 | Transaction Certificate (ICC Transaction). |
6323 | Transaction Information Document (TID) needed for cardholder's personal records expense reporting. |
6341 | Fraud investigation. |
6342 | Potential chargeback or compliance documentation. |
6343 | Real-time Substantiation Audit Request (IIAS). |
VISA | |
28 | Request for Copy Bearing Signature |
30 | Cardholder Request Due to Dispute |
33 | Fraud Analysis Request |
34 | Legal Process Request |
01 | Transaction Documentation Request |
03 | Transaction Documentation Request Due to Cardholder Dispute |
04 | Transaction Documentation Request for Fraud Analysis |
05 | Good Faith Investigation |