Bookmarks allow you to temporarily save cases to a dedicated queue for easy access. When you bookmark a case, it will appear in the “My Bookmarked Cases” queue, which can be accessed from the “Queues” tab in the left navigation. Bookmarked cases will remain in the “My Bookmarked Cases” queue until you remove them, no matter what status they are in. The queue is only visible to you, and will not affect any other users on your merchant account.
Bookmarked cases can be identified by the bookmark icon. A bookmark can be toggled on or off by clicking on the icon.
If the case is not currently bookmarked, it will look like this:
If the case is currently bookmarked, it will look like this:
There are a few ways to bookmark a case:
In all Work Queues, the bookmark icon is located in the first column of every case row.
On the Case Landing Page, the bookmark icon is located in the top left corner of the page, next to the case number.
To view your Bookmarked Cases:
Click on the “Queues” menu item in the left side panel.
Click on the dropdown next to the “Queues” title at the top of the page.
Select “My Bookmarked Cases”