You can use your tablet in landscape orientation, but you are not able to view the Merchant Portal from your mobile device.
To refine your data on the screen for a particular merchant number or group of merchant numbers, click on Edit Selection. This is located at the top of your screen where the blue banner is located. The Merchant Number Selector is used for refining the data on the screen to a particular merchant number or group of merchant numbers.
This depends on your level of permissions. If you have administrative privileges, you will be able to initiate a password change for another user.
In the top-right corner, click Applications and select the one you want.
In the top-right corner on the User Profile icon list, click View Profile. In the Language list, click the applicable language. Click Save Preferences.
You can see this information in the Deposits Report on the Default Reports tab on the Reports page.
On the main menu, click Account Management. On the Account Management page menu, click Product Offering. From there you will be able to see what you have purchased.
You can set yourself up to receive emails and/or SMS alerts in Notifications (coming soon). Provide your email address and/or mobile phone number, then select the alerts you want to receive from a number of options regarding Disputes, Account Maintenance, Reports, and System Updates.
On the login screen, click Forgot Password. You will be sent an email with a link to change your password.
To find your refund, use the Transaction Finder. Filter on the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN), Response Code, and Transaction Type=Refund.
On the main menu, click Account Management. On the Account Management page menu, click Product Offering. From there, you will be able to see which products you can add or upgrade.
These browsers are supported:
There are multiple fees that you could be charged. Look at your statement, specifically at the Charge Type and Charge Description information.
You will be charged at the end of your statement month. Look at your statements/invoices for exact dates and amounts. To view your statements and invoices, on the main menu click Account Management, Statements, then Merchant Statement or Chain Statement, as applicable.
To view your statements and invoices, on the main menu click Account Management, Statements, then Merchant Statement or Chain Statement, as applicable.
We have a glossary of code, which can be accessed here, or in the top-right corner, click Help Center then Glossary of Code.
We have a glossary of terms, which you can access here (link to come), or from the top-right corner, click Help Center, then Glossary of Terms.
Make sure you have the Merchant Number or any other search criteria entered correctly. Also, only transactions from closed batches will appear in the search results. If you are looking for a transaction in an open batch, you’ll have to look through those transactions yourself.
An account is put on reserve due to a negative balance on their account. This could be because:
Look closely at all the deposits that make up the Payment Amount.
If a deposit or deposits don’t match, then proceed to the transactions that make up the deposits.
If the difference is still unexplained, contact your local customer care representative for further assistance.