The Transaction Finder allows you to search for transaction records based on a wide selection of criteria. Remember that you can only search for transactions from closed batches. Also, it helps to be specific in your search criteria to limit the number of results. You don’t want to have to search too much through your search results.
If you need a list of a specific type of transaction, in this case a contactless transaction, you filter to refine your search in the Transaction Finder.
The Transaction Finder can filter on many points of data. We have provided the most common data points in the initial page view, as well as others in the More expanded list.
We have created a search tool that allows you to locate records from your transaction history based on many criteria. You will have access to all transactions that occurred yesterday and earlier—in other words, transactions from closed batches. To find any transactions from the current batch (today’s transactions), you will have to look through your open batch yourself.